Saturday, December 01, 2012

He Came

It's December – it’s safe to say the countdown to Christmas has begun! For many, it means the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, wrapping of presents, decorating the Christmas tree, planning parties and sending out invites. The list of things to do for Christmas is a long one! The jolliest season of the year doesn’t just magically happen by itself, does it now?

But lest we forget the real reason for the season, here is a gentle reminder of the ‘CHRIST’ whose birth we celebrate – whether or not you are a believer.

To me, it’s really about HIM and why HE CAME. To celebrate Christmas is to be filled with awe and gratitude for this JESUS who entered our small insignificant world with a message of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE for all mankind.

Let this simple message be your inspiration this Christmas!

And if you are not sure why ‘HE CAME’ then this is for you - God bless you!

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