Thursday, November 26, 2015

Can Everyone Ride a Bike? - Part 2

Continued from previous post

3.  Having love is infinitely more valuable than tongue speaking.
This statement sounds so sensible at first glance. But let's look further.

Riding a bike not only keeps you fit but gives you the feeling of freedom and mobility outdoors as well. If you're a non cyclist like me, you could attempt to get the outdoorsy experience by taking a walk or going for a drive. But biking enthusiasts will tell you that nothing beats watching the world go by while cycling down the open road, feeling the sun on your face and the wind in your hair! 

To say we'll take the love minus the tongues is like trying to achieve the outdoorsy experience without getting on a bike. Is it possible? Yes. Is it the same? A definite NO.

Love is the trademark of the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, God's love is poured into our hearts (Rom 5:5). Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the Spirit of Jesus. The fruit of His Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance,kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Love is the natural outcome when the Spirit of Jesus fills us up on the inside. How can we say love is all we need and then reject His Spirit who brings it? Isn't that like 'killing the goose that lays the golden eggs'?

Many people accept the Holy Spirit but recoil at the tongue speaking bit. 'Why tongues?' you may ask. It's a valid question. There seems to be so much controversy and confusion when it comes to tongues. Can't we simply discard it?

When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, their experience included speaking in an unknown tongue. When the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit, they also spoke in unknown tongues, which convinced their Jewish brethren that God had called the Gentiles too. All the apostles spoke in tongues. Peter spoke in tongues. Saul, who later became Paul, spoke in tongues. Since then, Christians too have been speaking in tongues. It is unthinkable to separate tongues from the Holy Spirit baptism. We can't discard it; it's part of the package.

Various people have tried to explain but either tend to oversimplify it (The devil can't understand what you are saying in an unknown tongue - it's kind of a secret code to communicate with God) or offer some complicated reasoning (Since the tongue is the smallest but most dangerous member of our body, the Holy Spirit has to take control over our tongue through tongue-speaking). 

Do you know something? Nicodemus couldn't comprehend the new birth. He thought one had to go back into the womb and be reborn. The disciples didn't get the kingdom of God. They believed they had to overthrow the Roman government and make Jesus the  king. The Pharisees didn't understand why Jesus challenged them to tear down the temple which He would rebuild in 3 days. They assumed He was referring to the Jerusalem temple. How could they know He was talking about His body?! So if at first you don't understand the significance of tongues, you're not alone - you're in good company!
Paul teaches that he who speaks in an unknown tongue is speaking to God, not to man (1 Cor 14:2) It is the spirit that's praying. It's a mystery because the mind can't comprehend what the spirit is saying. It's like you arrive in a foreign country and you hear the people speaking in their native tongue. You hear the words but you don't understand the meaning. Are they speaking rubbish? Of course not! It sounds like gobbledygook and that's because it's completely alien to you. Paul says the natural man can't know or receive the things of the Spirit. He tries to understand using his human wisdom but fails because only the Spirit of God can unravel spiritual mysteries (I Cor 2:10-12) .The mind and the spirit operate on different levels.

Do you know how one acquires a language? First, you have to learn up some vocabulary, then study the syntax and rules of grammar. Generally, that's how adults approach language learning.  You understand what you speak before you speak it. But when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, it's the reverse. You speak FIRST, and then the understanding follows. Interestingly, that's how a child learns his first language or mother tongue! He often mimics/repeats the sounds he hears but does not understand it until much later. (In applied linguistics, it's called first language acquisition.)

I saw a mother lead her toddler to walk on a stretch of cement blocks. For each step, her mother counted out aloud and her little one would repeat after her. Mother would go, "One!" and the wee one would go, "One!" She went up to twenty something and I marvelled because the little girl had absolutely no clue what she was saying but mimicked her mother perfectly. She was repeating what she was hearing but the understanding of numbers would only follow later in life.

How amazing is that? Our relationship with God begins with a new birth, followed by acquisition of a new language. The Holy Spirit becomes our tutor to develop our spiritual understanding of what God has in store for us.

4. Leave tongues out of communal prayer unless someone can interpret.
The writer says, "I believe the primary place for the exercise of this gift is private personal prayer and Paul allows its use in community only if there is an interpreter." I think many people share the writer's view - that Paul was against tongues if there was no ready interpretation. But did Paul really mean that?

Read I Cor 14 carefully to understand the context behind his exhortation. It's very important that we don't miss what Paul is saying. Paul was writing to the believers in Corinth about the haphazard way they were exercising their spiritual gifts and how this was making their meeting together as a body of believers both disruptive and distracting.

Context of I Corinthians 14 (Read it here)
  • Those speaking in tongues were doing so without consideration for other believers present. Many were beginning to feel left out because they could not understand or follow, so they wanted to ban tongue speaking altogether.
  •  Many were prophesying in a rather disorderly fashion. They would either all speak at once or interrupt one another before they even finished. Their excuse was that they were being controlled by the Spirit and could not resist Him.
  • Some women had taken to asking questions that could be answered at home by their own husbands. It was inappropriate for them to do so in such meetings and adding to the lack of decorum.

Paul's response was practical and to the point. His exhortation was meant for those who were contributing to the problem.  

Seek and Develop Your Gift   
  1. Speaking in tongues is elementary. The understanding MUST follow. Without it, the message in tongues (be it revelation, knowledge, prophecy or word of instruction) will forever remain a mystery. If your spiritual gift is not being shared in a meaningful way to those present , what good is it? How will the people receive or respond to what the Spirit of God is saying? Quit thinking like children and start thinking like responsible adults. 
  2. Pray to interpret what you are speaking. Desire and develop your gift. The best gifts are the ones that edify the body of believers. Come with a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation with the purpose of building up the believers. Let tongues be interpreted, if not, then do it quietly and let it be just between you and God.
Be Orderly
If some of you are going to prophesy, don't all do it at the same time. Take turns so that everyone can listen without distraction.The Holy Spirit does not control you which means you can start or stop what you are doing. Limit the number of people prophesying. Let 2 or 3 prophets speak and allow the others to pay close attention and consider carefully what was prophesied.

 Maintain Decorum
We need to curb unnecessary questions that some women are raising in church. Culturally, it's more appropriate that these women reserve their questions for their husbands in the privacy of their homes. 

Paul did not set HARD and FAST rules for where and when we should speak in tongues. He was merely correcting the wrong perceptions the Corinthian church had concerning spiritual gifts and in this case it was tongues and prophecy. It makes no sense for Paul to discount tongues when in the 1st two chapters of 1 Cor. he so carefully explains the inferiority of man's wisdom vs God's wisdom, and how only the Holy Spirit can give us understanding of heaven's secrets. He NEVER implied that there are other gifts (gift of prophecy) more important and relevant than tongues. If he thought that way then he wouldn't have said, "I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you'. Paul obviously believed in tongues and practiced it more than the others. But if the tongues we speak are interpreted, then others can understand and agree with us and everyone present will be edified and blessed.

Let's put it another way. Suppose there are many diseased and dying people in the congregation. Paul's exhortation would mean we ought to seek the gifts of faith and healing that would definitely edify the people rather than parade our prophetic gift before them. We can be so caught up in prophesying that we neglect asking God for gifts that will best help them. Will the non-believer who walks in be more convinced by a string of prophecies than one miracle or healing? That's why Paul exhorts us to desire earnestly the best gifts.

I've noticed that the very people (teachers/pastors/theologians) who teach that Paul wants us to stop praying publicly in tongues almost NEVER encourage prophesying in the church. When they suppress tongues, they inevitably suppress the prophetic gift too. Every spiritual gift proceeds from the Spirit of God. He is the same spirit that raised Jesus from the DEAD and that Spirit is residing in YOU. Tongues is the key that RELEASES the reservoir of living water stored up in your inner being. During Paul's time people were so proud of their tongue speaking that they failed to receive the other spiritual gifts. Today, we are so proud of NOT speaking in tongues that we fail to receive the other spiritual gifts too.

If the Spirit of God chooses to manifest a message in tongues in one person, He is fully capable of manifesting the interpretation in the same person or another individual.  So, don't dismiss any message in tongues but ask the Holy Spirit to give the interpretation so that the whole body of believers may be blessed. Be willing to be used of the Lord. Every gift of God is good and necessary for our lives.

Too many churches wouldn't recognize the Holy Spirit even if He showed up in their Sunday Service. Some put Him on a leash and then wonder why He doesn't move in their churches. Others invoke His name in order to appear more spiritual. Many a times, the Holy Spirit has been quenched and grieved by so called learned leaders of the church. The Holy Spirit is an infinitely great gift. He is not just for the individual but also for larger gatherings. He desires to come and minister through you to the larger Body of Christ. Activate that gift in you and don't hold back when He leads you to speak, prophesy or heal the sick. It's high time to invite the Holy Spirit back in our churches ON HIS TERMS, not ours.

(to be continued..)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Can Everyone Ride a Bike? Part 1

Happy Biker
I was following a Facebook discussion where some friends were discussing an article Why can't I speak in tongues? where the writer opined that not everyone receives the gift of tongues. A number of people concurred with him adding that some had been forced to fake it, or made to feel inadequately small that they didn't speak in tongues and how glad they were that they had been set free from the expectation. From both the article and comments, I surmised several points that were raised and agreed upon:
1. Not everyone can speak in tongues because well, they just can't.
2. If you are not inspired to speak in tongues then you are just babbling.
3. Having love is infinitely more valuable than speaking in tongues.
4. Leave tongues out of communal prayer unless someone can interpret.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a subject close to my heart. Let me give my opinion here before I share my personal experience with you. 

1.  Not everyone can speak in tongues.
The writer had no issues with the gift of tongues - he said it is still available and a good gift but his stand was not everyone is given this gift. I disagree on a number of points.

In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul says, whatever God has promised us is a firm YES in Christ Jesus. (2 Cor. 1:19,20) It's not sometimes yes and sometimes no as some are inclined to teach. They say, "YES - the Holy Spirit is a gift from God but NO - it has already ceased." "YES - you're speaking to God when you speak in tongues but NO - you're babbling if no one else understands it." "YES - it's available today, but NO - not everyone can receive it". I think attaching disclaimers to God's word actually insults God. This 'The Lord will but He won't. God can but not all the time' kind of teaching only confuses the hearers.

The Holy Spirit is for everyone. Peter said, “The promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call”? (Acts 2: 38-39). The Bible says in John 7 that Jesus stood in the market place and cried out in a loud voice saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive.

Let's break it down, shall we?  Jesus said,

If anyone thirsts (that includes everybody - regardless of gender, age, status)
Let him (allow him, don't force him, stop him, hinder him)
Come to Me (come to Jesus - He is the baptizer, not man)
And drink. (not ask, plead, beg for it, but rather help himself to it, put it to his lips and swallow)

Jesus said, "If you want the Holy Spirit - come to Me - and take it."

The Holy Spirit is one but His manifestations are many. Nine are listed in 1 Corinthian 12: 7 -11. These gifts/manifestations are given to edify the individual as well as the body of believers. Through these gifts, we experience the reality of God in our earthly existence. Jesus performed many of them while He was on this earth. Before Jesus returned to the Father, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to empower his followers so that they too could be witnesses unto Him. This promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Since that day, followers of Jesus continue to experience both personal infilling and outpouring of the Holy Spirit on corporate gatherings of people. In the Bible, there was one manifestation that was consistently reported when different people were baptized in the Holy Spirit at different times - speaking in an unknown tongue. 

Can everyone ride a bike? I must confess I can't. I tried when I was about 10 but failed. I just couldn't balance myself and kept falling. However, my brother picked it up pretty fast but not before suffering some minor scrapes and bruises. I concluded then that bike riding was not for everyone. But is that really true? I am sure that cyclists will  readily disagree with this statement. They will argue that anyone can ride a bike; it's so easy that even a child (or monkey!) can learn. In fact, I read this somewhere -'If you can walk, you can ride a  bike!' Sure you may fall a couple of times and there are the obligatory bumps and bruises but once you get the hang of it you would kick yourself for not having learnt it earlier!

I can safely vouch that tongue speaking, like bike riding, is not for a select group of people but for everyone. If you can speak in English, Chinese, Hindi or any known language, then you CAN speak in the language of the Spirit. Jesus made it so easy. Let's stop making it so complicated!

Conclusion: Everyone CAN speak in tongues.

[By the way, I've watched a couple of 'how to ride a bike' YouTube videos and realize it's really not that difficult at all. I only wish I had known how to earlier. I've missed out simply because I thought bike riding just wasn't for me. Now it's only fear of embarrassing myself in public that's keeping me from learning it. It's silly, I know.]

Why aren't more of us receiving this gift then? I'm convinced that the 3 main obstacles keeping us from receiving this gift are unbelief, fear and pride.

I heard a preacher say we must be holy in order to qualify for the Holy Spirit. That is false as is the doctrine of cessation which says the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased. The Holy Spirit is a gift from God. You cannot earn it. It is the Grace of God to give us something we do not deserve. Believe and it is yours. If you don't believe, you can't receive. Without faith, we can't expect to receive anything from God.  Faith is the key to pleasing Him. Hebrews 11:6

A friend once told me that it's risky to pray for the Holy Spirit because you might get an evil spirit instead. But Jesus assures us that God will not give us a stone when we ask Him for bread. He won't give us a snake when we ask Him for fish. Luke 11:11. God is a good father and He gives us only good gifts. God has not given us a spirit of fear (timidity) but of power, of love and a sound mind (self-control).

We reject the gift of the Holy Spirit because we don't want to appear foolish in front of others. We pray, 'Lord give me the Holy Spirit but minus the tongues.' The wisdom of this world cannot fathom the mind of God. To the wise men of Paul's day, Jesus' crucifixion made no sense at all but to those who believed it had the power to save them (I Cor 1:21). Some people are so proud of their Baptist background, they refuse to speak in tongues. Their denomination and doctrine is more important than the gift of God. The Bible says, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

2. If you are not inspired to speak in tongues then you are just babbling.
How do we know tongues are genuine and that we are not babbling some nonsense? Some people believe tongues must be a supernatural phenomena, flowing spontaneously from the lips, and accompanied by euphoric sensations. In their mind, anyone who is not under the 'influence' of the Holy Spirit is making it up.  They believe that tongues must be spontaneous, involuntary and completely free from human involvement.

But is speaking in tongues a completely mystical experience? The writer makes a distinction between a thinker and a mystic. Perhaps to an outsider, a tongue speaker seems to have 'lost their marbles' babbling ecstatically in a language not known to them. But tongue speakers are not mystics who have given up their brains and stopped thinking. 

Let's pause here for a minute and go back to my cycling analogy, shall we? When you're cycling, you're either pushing the pedals or gliding with the pedals as a footrest. Sometimes your feet are engaged and sometimes they are not. But without question, it is you who's riding the bike. At any time you may stop by braking or simply touching the ground with your feet. YOU are the one in control of the bike. The bike is NOT controlling you.

Just like bike riding, sometimes you initiate the speaking (pedalling) and sometimes you feel the inspiration to speak (gliding). But either way, YOU are making the utterance (riding the bike!) If you are not sure, ask yourself whose voice do you hear. The Holy Spirit gives you the language but you are SPEAKING it. It is His words but it is YOUR voice.  Paul says the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet (I Cor 14:32) He meant the person prophesying is in control of their spirit and can stop to allow someone else to take their turn. Think about it. If you can stop, doesn't that imply you can start? The Holy Spirit is a gentle dove; He doesn't control you or force Himself on you, so you may start or stop speaking at any time.

The person who speaks in tongues or prophesies has learned to be sensitive and obedient to the Spirit's leading. He has submitted his mind to be led by the Holy Spirit. He is not a mystic 'possessed' by the Holy Spirit and speaking involuntarily against his will. He is very much in possession of His mental faculties.

The Holy Spirit is a spiritual gift for a practical purpose. We are called to pray unceasingly and the Holy Spirit helps us make intercession when we don't know what or how to pray. He is our helper and our comforter. He leads us into all truth. When we pray in the language of  the Spirit, we allow the Spirit of God to take the lead. He alone can discern the mind of  God which He then reveals to us. We cannot understand unless it is revealed to us by God's Spirit. The gift of God is workable in any situation; to be a blessing whether we pray in private or in public, whether we pray aloud or under our breath. I love that I can still pray even when my mind is engaged with work, preparing dinner or doing the laundry.

Many times I have felt the urgency to pray especially when overwhelmed with a need or a problem but not knowing how to begin. So I would start to speak in tongues trusting the Lord to lead me. In a short while I would feel the stirring of the Spirit within me and the utterance becomes effortless, articulate and purposeful even though I don't understand the words. When the burden has lifted, God gives me insight which I had no way of figuring out myself. Other times, after praying in tongues, I pray in English and the words come out unaided, sometimes a scripture which I wasn't thinking about but fits the situation perfectly.
(to be continued..)

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Sowing and Reaping

Do you feel like giving up when you don't see your prayers answered? I do. You pray and pray and even fast but there doesn't seem to be any result. Part of you wants to go on hoping that your prize is just around the corner but another part says, 'Give up while you can; you don't need the heart-ache.' Sometimes you pray and get an answer but it looks nothing like the answer you were expecting. I want to encourage you not to give up. Your prayers are not wasted. They are not a lost cause. In fact, it's when all seems lost that you must not quit!

Think about the farmer getting ready to sow. He prepares the soil for seeding. The work is hard and the farmer puts in many hours of sweat and toil. When the soil is ready, he carefully deposits the seeds in them. Once the seed has been incorporated into the soil, the farmer can safely retire from his labour.

For a period of time, all is quiet.  Every morning the farmer looks over his fields where he has sown but sees nothing; no results. If there is no visible outcome for what he has put in, has his investment failed? But while there is no movement on the ground's surface, below the dirt, strong roots are emerging, and pushing downwards in search of moisture. The tiny seedlings burst out of their jackets and begin their upward climb seeking to free themselves from the weight of the soil they are under. But none of this happens immediately or overnight.

There is a period of waiting; a time where the farmer has to exercise patience, self-control and perseverance. Patience because he can do nothing to quicken the process but allow nature to take its course. Worrying doesn't make things move along any faster either. Why self control? Because he must resist the urge to dig them up to check if roots are showing. Can you imagine what will happen if he did? He risks aborting the germination process and all his efforts will be lost.  And perseverance because he cannot give up tending the ground - to keep it sufficiently watered, weeded and free from known pests.

All  of this requires a measure of FAITH. The farmer does not depend on a random chance or luck that something will happen to make the seeds grow. He knows they WILL. It is an established science that repeats itself no matter how many times the farmer does it. It is a formula that works.

God's word cannot fail because God cannot fail. His reputation is tied up in His word. Do you know the One who you have committed your prayers to? Jesus said if our earthly father knows how to give good things how much more will our Father in heaven give to those who ask Him? He is trustworthy to do all He promised. God is fully capable of doing what He said He would.

We are not sowing our prayers in the air where strong winds blow them away.
We are not sowing our prayers in the sea where shifting currents wash them away,
But we are sowing them in the rich soil of God's  FAITHFULNESS and LOVE.
And we know God NEVER fails.

What are you sowing? Where are you sowing? How are you waiting?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

God's Word

God’s WORD will stand the test of time. Everything that lives eventually dies but the Word of God abides FOREVER. Time passes, memories fail, expectations waver, and even circumstances change but God remains true to His Promise. He is COMMITTED to accomplish all that He has purposed. For His Word is TRUE and PURE - tested and refined seven times over.

No promise of God has ever fallen to the ground. Everything He says will come to pass. Nothing and no one can annul the promise God makes to His children. God's Word will go forth and carry out everything He wants to achieve for it carries the weight of His PURPOSE. It will never return to Him void. Because God has both the POWER and the WILL to do EXACTLY what He says. 

You may forget. But God remembers. You may give up. But God NEVER. 

God is watching over His WORD to fulfill it. It cannot fail because GOD never fails. He will have the last WORD because He is the ETERNAL GOD.