Thursday, March 27, 2008

Proverbs to live by

Did you know?

You can get by ...
without a fixed income but you cannot live without His provision.

You can sacrifice ...
the comforts of home but how can one give up the comfort of His presence?

You can listen ...
to the harshest critic but you cannot learn without His correction.

You can cope ...
by medicating your pain but you cannot be whole without His healing.

You can confess ...
your deepest fear but to conquer it you need His unfailing love.

You can bear ...
the greatest sorrow but you couldn’t endure without His promise.

You can answer ...
the hardest question and still be unable to explain His wisdom.

You can buy ...
the most expensive gift but you could never afford His peace.

You can neglect ...
the company of man but do not shun His friendship.

You can dismiss ...
the opinions of others but you cannot deny His truth.

You can go hungry ...
without eating but you will starve without His life-giving word.

You can please ...
all the people in the world and never win His approval.