Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Feeling, Faith and Fact

This cute little postcard came to me when a relative passed down an old writing desk. She'd stuck it where she could see it and be reminded every day of the message it carries.  Since then, it has seen many coffee stains and creases, but it proved to be a lifesaver during the times when my faith was sorely tested. May it be a blessing to you too.

Feeling, Faith and Fact
Three friends went walking on a wall.
Feeling, Faith and Fact.

When Feeling had an awful fall
Which quite took Faith aback.

So close was Faith to Feeling,
Faith stumbled ere he knew.

But Fact remained and pulled Faith up
And Faith brought Feeling too.
                                                                                         - Author unknown

1 comment:

ev said...

oh my! thanks for this. it's been years since i last saw it...i think it was waaaay back in my schooling days.