Many church leaders today are intelligent, gifted, persuasive and self-motivating individuals who believe they are doing a great service to the people in their charge. From the more menial tasks of preparing sermons, praying for the sick and the obligatory baptisms, marriages and funerals, leaders have now stepped into more challenging roles. Corporate savvy pastors are now applying key marketing strategies to influence the masses, infiltrate their community and introduce meaningful activities to engage and empower members. They supervise, strategize and sacrifice for the good of their institutions and members; doing whatever is necessary for the unity, health and effectiveness of their institutions, which often necessitates having members’ unquestioning loyalty, commitment and monetary support. They are perfectionists, striving to bring distinction and balance in all areas of their organization.
This may not seem like a bad thing but while church leaders are making themselves available to all and sundry, Jesus made Himself available only to His Father. Leaders focus on people’s needs but Jesus focused on His Father’s desire. Leaders are driven to enlarge their own churches but Jesus was zealous over His Father’s House. Leaders try to live up to people’s expectations, but Jesus lived for His Father’s pleasure alone. Leaders are driven to achieve many goals but Jesus was determined to fulfill His one purpose. Leaders lead but Jesus simply followed and obeyed His Father’s will.
There are no perfect leaders; only a Perfect Son.
Sad to say, many of today’s leaders think God has given them special license. They conduct their lives believing nothing can invalidate their status. God will close His eye to their sin because the mantle of leadership is upon them and it is their God-given destiny to lead the church. Immorality? No problem. Abuse of authority? No sweat. Integrity issues? No worries! God is there to restore and rebuild everything they destroy in the name of leadership! Besides, there is nothing a little time away and some counseling won’t cure!
It seems leaders are a necessary evil and if anyone dares to suggest otherwise, they are rebuked and told not to judge, not to have ‘unreasonable’ expectations. They rationalize that leaders are only human and therefore have (by default) a built in liability; that leaders are ultimately chosen by God and they are in charge whether we like it or not. And even if they sin, God knows what He is doing and everything will work out because it is God’s plan and purpose.
Heaven help us! If the church today could rewrite bible history, they would make Saul the hero of the Old Testament! Saul was Israel’s choice but God rejected Saul as King the very first time he disobeyed, and subsequently took the kingdom from him and gave it to David, a man after His own heart. David typifies Jesus, the Chosen One.
Who then can be a leader?
Firstly, it is a flawed theology that demands we appoint one to lead us. Second, there is no one more qualified to be our pastor (shepherd) than Jesus. Third, Jesus didn’t appoint any successors for his job.
Matthew 23: 8-10
Jesus told his listeners we are not to be called ‘master’ for we are all brothers under one Master.
Jesus said not to call anyone on earth, ‘father’ for we have one Father and He is in heaven. And we are not to be called ‘teacher’ for we have one Teacher who is the Christ.
Jesus’ words are still relevant to us today: One Father, One Flock, One Shepherd.
Your disappointment and disillusionment is real, not imagined. God does not appoint, approve or endorse ungodly leadership. God is grieved that many of His sheep are hurt and wounded from their irresponsible words and actions. He will not let this go more so because they have done this in His name. The good news is you don’t have to use the same useless arguments to justify submitting to them over and over again. There is a way out of this madness.
Stop blaming your leaders.
Listen, your pastor doesn’t need to be more organized or more equipped. He doesn’t need to be more pastoral or more prophetic. He doesn’t even need to be more like Jesus.
Stop depending on them.
You don’t need a pastor to tell you what to do, where to go or how to serve. You don’t need him to pray, prophesy or provide a solution for you. You don’t need his pastoral care or covering. Don’t be expecting any financial or ministerial support either.
Start looking to Jesus.
Jesus is the only pastor you will ever need. You have His Father’s Word for it! Read Psalm 23 and meditate on its timeless message (It’s not just for Sunday School kids, you know). It will give you a preview of what it’s like to have the Lord Jesus personally disciple you.
Be a disciple of Jesus.
Follow in His footsteps. Carry the cross. Learn of Him. Listen to Him. Obey Him. Do this on a daily basis and persevere on that path,
Even if it leads you to Calvary, the place of execution.
Death to ‘Self’ is inevitable. You have heard that power corrupts, but the cross will crucify you. It will decrease you to nothing, until Christ alone has preeminence in your life. Self sufficiency will be your fiercest adversary. Say goodbye to your plans and ambitions. Forget name and fame. Bid adieu to close friends and family. Jesus said, "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Obedience - the great equalizer.
Churches often drive the message that some are called to lead while others are meant to serve. There is no such discrimination in God’s Kingdom. It doesn’t matter what kind of personality strengths and weaknesses you possess. God is not looking for leaders.; He's not impressed with our leadership skills. He is looking for disciples. Jesus said, "You are my disciples if you obey my commandments. " It is our obedience; choosing Him above everything the world offers that invites God's pleasure. In God's Kingdom, obedience to His Word is key. It’s what separates the sheep from the goats. It’s what separates the Sauls from the Davids.
Jesus’ obedience to God qualified Him to be the author of man’s salvation (Hebrews 5: 8). Your obedience may not seem like very much to other people but it will reap eternal rewards. Jesus said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain." To see God's Kingdom come, the flesh or 'Self' must give way to the Spirit. Until then, we cannot expect to see its power and potential come alive.
A good leader is a dead leader.
Perhaps, you are a leader or aspiring to be one. All you want to do is serve the Lord and take care of His sheep. Then let me say, humility and obedience is the path to choose in order to fulfill your destiny. Because the only effective leader is a 'dead' one. Do not fear the cross but embrace it wholeheartedly. Only when we say, "No" to our goals and aspirations, only when 'Self' gets out of the way, can the Spirit take over and do what He does best! It is in losing our life, we find our true purpose and destiny.
My personal thoughts
Perhaps, your pastor or leaders are nothing like how I described them. Good for you but understand this; they are the exception not the norm. Church leaders today are so different from the Jesus I have described. Church theology, traditions and practices have evolved to something so alien to what Jesus taught His disciples. But if you are like the majority of church goers today, this will not bother you very much. You are quite content with the status quo; lively and vibrant worship, warm welcoming fellowship, people-pleasing leaders and endless ministry opportunities. But beware because we will not be judged by how well we ‘played church’ but whether we followed Christ until the end.
On the other hand, if you are a Jesus freak then what is acceptable to the majority will grate on your nerves continually. You will hate the cowardice of compromise and the careless disregard for God’s truth. You will grieve over the ungodliness of celebrated leaders. Your heart will sicken when you hear the gospel you love so much, watered down until it is insipid and useless in its application. You will cringe when people are honored and applauded for imitating the world.
Or perhaps, you have already seen all you can take and are now praying for a change in leadership. You are holding out for a better leader – a man (or woman) who will reform and restore the church to its former glory.
Let me ask you - “How will God give us someone better when He has already given us His Best?” Do you expect God to send Jesus again because we didn’t get it the first time?
At some point in your life, you will have to ask yourself, "Is being obedient to God's Word alone enough?" "Is following Christ alone enough?". "Is the threat of obscurity, loneliness, persecution and ridicule going to keep me from following in the footsteps of my Lord?
Only you know the answer.
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