Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Amazing Properties of God's Word

God's Word

  • Washes and cleanses us from all unrighteousness

  • Keeps us from sinning against Him

  • Convicts us of sin and leads us to repentance

  • Transforms us by renewing our mind

  • Pierces our darkness and brings enlightenment

  • Brings clarity to our mind and drives out confusion

  • Speaks the truth and exposes every false way

  • Frees us to walk in liberty

  • Increases our faith and dispels doubt

  • Instills courage and casts out fear

  • Guides and directs our way

  • Comforts and counsels us according to His will

  • Tests and proves what we believe

  • Purifies and refines our character

  • Heals us and makes us whole

    When you read the gospels, you will find that whenever Jesus spoke, amazing things happened. Sinners were forgiven, demons fled, blind could see, lame could walk, lepers were cleansed, hungry were fed, dead came alive, raging seas became calm, hypocrisy was exposed, children were blessed, etc.

    This Jesus, who is the Word become flesh or the Living Word, still speaks to us today.

    Listen to Him.

  • Thursday, December 10, 2009


    I watched this movie 3 times in 2 days. Awesome! Because it was originally written for the stage, it has a solid dialogue and the 3 principal actors Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams did much justice to it.

    It was weird, the way my friends and I each digested the story. I processed it mainly through the experience I've had in my many years (7 of them full time) serving in 'church'.

    I understood the wide-eyed innocence of the novice nun (Sr. James) who believes the best in people. She was the person I used to be. But when I looked at the older but wiser nun (Sr. Aloysius) who has had years of experience to figure out that people are not really who they say they are, I recognised the person I had become.

    In the final part, where Sr. Aloysius says, "I have such doubts!" I had a flashback to the time I discovered that 'church' as we know it is only a man made institution. I realised that I had been trying to reconcile Christ's body and the 'church' to no avail because they can never truly be one.

    You reform, revise and improvise but the changes do not last. The old nun had no doubts about the priest (Fr. Flynn). He was well and truly guilty. But she could no longer believe or defend an institution that blatantly condoned, covered and even rewarded her so-called 'Christ' representatives.

    Friday, October 30, 2009

    The Rose

    I bought a CD of timeless love songs and can't get enough of it! This song is beautiful!

    The Rose
    Some say love, it is a river
    That drowns the tender reed
    Some say love, it is a razor
    That leaves your soul to bleed
    Some say love, it is a hunger
    An endless aching need
    I say love, it is a flower
    And you, its only seed

    It's the heart, afraid of breaking
    That never learns to dance
    It's the dream, afraid of waking
    That never takes the chance
    It's the one who won't be taken
    Who cannot seem to give
    And the soul, afraid of dying
    That never learns to live

    When the night has been too lonely
    And the road has been too long
    And you think that love is only
    for the lucky and the strong
    Just remember in the winter
    Far beneath the bitter snow
    Lies the seed
    That with the sun's love, in the spring
    Becomes the rose

    (a song sung by Bette Midler)

    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    Nearly famous

    I googled my name the other day and discovered I am Russian born, a vocalist/pianist/songwriter with a number of noteworthy music awards to my name. My photo reveals that I am quite attractive - a youngish blonde with sultry good looks.

    I also found my name on cemetery lists and family trees. It appears I expired in 1872, in 1908 and again in 1933 and was dearly missed after having lived a lifetime as somebody's daughter, wife or mother.
    Honestly? The only thing i share in common with these people is my name.

    So just who am I?

    It's hard to say.

    I have lived too long and too well to fit neatly into a single adjective or sentence. And still after so many years, the quintessential me is still emerging. Just when I think I have arrived, I find I have merely reached one of the many milestones in my life. In my humble opinion, my life is as ordinary as my looks and my achievements less than average. I know I have just described a large majority of the human population but do you know what ? I have yet to come across another me!

    Like many people, I am still in the process of self-discovery - God's work in progress. Like an onion, I have shed many layers of self in agitation and tears. Knowing I am unconditionally loved by God has helped to ease much of the discomfort that comes with that painful process. In spite of all that I have been through, I can still say I have no regrets for choosing the straight and narrow path of walking with Jesus.

    As simple and straightforward as I am, I find I am still somewhat an enigma of sorts to many people. Lately, I have had to accept that even the closest of friends haven't figured me out! So it looks like only God understands me and loves me as I am. Perhaps this is best...

    I have tried to borrow words that may help to explain the person I have become.

    Passionate - Because I have to connect emotionally with whatever or whoever I know.

    Average - and proud of it!

    Unequivocal - Its important to me that people say what they mean and mean what they say and I try hard to keep to that ideal. I really hate it when words are manipulated to use people or for personal gain.Curse words don't seem to have half the effect on me as untrue and flippant words do.

    Love to Eat - What can I say? I can't apologize for being Malaysian! My friend calls me the Yellow pages when it comes to finding good food!I love to see people try my favourite foods and I love discovering new tastes too.

    Inventive - Although I am a creature of habit, I do look for ways to break the monotony of routine and predictability. I must admit though, at times, I don't really look hard enough!I am such a couch potato, I can sit and watch the same movie even if I've seen it umpteen times!

    Non-competitive - I dislike competition for a couple of reasons. It means someone has to lose. I hate that. Plus it's unnerving to be viewed as rival who must be eliminated. Having said that I am overcome with joy even a bit teary eyed at seeing someone win after they've worked so hard for it!

    Teacher - I think the one quality that qualifies me to teach others is teachability! I am a little stupid, so when I make a discovery, I get all excited about it and I need to share! Consequently, I believe teaching is the process of aiding discovery! (I didn't come up with that one btw. Remember I'm just average!)

    Humour - even this seemingly ordinary trait makes me different from others. Cause I love to laugh with people, not at them.

    Genuinely happy for others - Strange but I must say, I can't remember being jealous and envious of others. I am genuinely happy for other people, my more successful siblings and friends. I have been overtaken many times in the race for success, recognition and reward but it does not seem to bother me. I guess the credit has to go to God. He's made me content with who I am and confident of the destiny He has for me.

    Well, that's just a little bit about me.

    I doubt all this would fit onto my tombstone so I have written it here!

    Friday, August 14, 2009

    Do life!

    I’ve been wondering why we hide out in church so much when Jesus neither preached or practiced that. Somehow, we have made our faith a cozy cave to escape to; and for others it's an exclusive club to belong to. We busy ourselves with programs and events that keep us hedged in and the 'unchurched' hedged out. We've created a subculture called Christianity, just like the Pharisees made out of Judaism. Church members IN, Non-church members OUT. Believers faithfully flock to Sunday services for their weekly fix of spiritual food and fellowship. But they are believers not in Christ, but in a religion that's been conveniently packaged for the conscientious religious consumer.

    Jesus taught in synagogues sometimes– the official approved centers for teaching and learning the Word of God though he did not keep the sabbath as often as the religious Pharisees did. He usually sat out in the open where the common folk gathered, like at the mountain side, where little boys picnicked on lunches their mothers had packed for them. By the beach where fishermen washed and mended their nets, at the roadside where blind men begged. Out in the open, where lazy sheep grazed on green meadows and farmers sowed their seed on carefully tilled ground. He attended weddings, funerals and parties. He rubbed shoulders with ordinary people. He ate and drank with ‘sinners’ while the Pharisees fasted and observed their religious traditions with their own kind. He didn't speak as the Pharisees did with their clever and eloquent theology but told stories that all adults and children could understand. He was truly a man of the people. A simple carpenter who worked with his hands, loved God and genuinely cared for those around him.

    And guess what? The people who believed his message were not the learned and intellectual minds. It was the prostitute, the not so honest tax-collectors, the blind, the crippled, the demon possessed, the pagan centurion, the poor fishermen etc. These could not find fault with him. They saw how genuine and real he was and how that starkly contrasted with the Pharisees. The religious community didn't like him but that's okay because he didn't like them either. He exposed their false morality and self-righteous ways at every opportunity. He didn't even try to work out his differences with them but promptly denounced them as children of the devil! You had to hand it to him. Jesus didn't do 'church'. He didn't do 'cell group'. He did LIFE!

    So why are you still cooped up in there?
    Get out and start living life!

    Thursday, August 13, 2009


    I took a silly "Which bible book are you?" quiz on facebook and answered inane questions like what kind of curtains I like and how I would pass an hour of free time and what is the first thing I do when I wake up (which is brush my teeth!) . And this was the result of my honest answers...

    EXODUS - Passionate about justice, you can't be at peace until you've done your best to help the oppressed. You are not afraid to speak truth to power, though you've paid the price for doing so. You will sacrifice for the good of others; you're a true servant-leader. You do not rely on your own power. You don't have to. You've seen Providence step in to change what looked like disaster into victory. At the same time, you've suffered and been lonely as a result of your refusal to go along with the crowd. You know that the great plan is beyond our limited comprehension, and what looks like a loss to you may eventually turn out to be a win.

    I was speechless.

    Friday, June 05, 2009

    A people belonging to God

    1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
    If someone discovers you are a Christian, they will ask you which church you go to, what denomination you belong to, what ministry you are involved in, what are your spiritual gifts, what doctrinal position you hold on too. Is that what defines a Christian?

    Today Christianity has become a sub-culture with its own banners and labels. We can look like a Christian if we speak the right lingo and wear the right t-shirt. We have Christian entertainment, Christian jewelry, Christian TV/radio, Christian books, cards, mugs, ringtones etc. But just what is it that sets us apart from the rest of the world? Is it our baptism certificate, Sunday attendance and praying before our meals and such?

    To look for the answer to that question, we have to look at the Old Testament. What set the nation of Israel apart from other nations? What was unique about the people of God? What gave them their identity (character and personality)? What made them unique from all other communities and inhabitants of the land they were called to possess?

    It’s true; they shared a history and a heritage (birthright, legacy). Their past and their future united them and made them a family. But what distinguished them from the rest of the world was much more than that.

    1. GOD’S PRESENCEDeuteronomy 4:7 what other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him? 8. And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?

    From the time God had delivered his people from the hand of Pharaoh, He had led them through the Red Sea through the wilderness right to the Promised Land. God’s presence in their midst is described as a pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. (Exodus 13:21-22 By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. 22Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.)

    The people of God had a visual that reminded them God was with them and was leading them on their journey. It shaded them from the heat of day and kept them warm them at night. It went ahead of them to show them the way and withdrew to the back to protect them from enemy attacks. (Exodus 14:19Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them, 24During the last watch of the night the LORD looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the Egyptian army and threw it into confusion.

    Read Numbers 9: 15ff. If the pillar moved, they followed suit. If it stayed, they stayed put. It did not matter how long it took. They depended on that pillar to show them what to do.

    [After God gave Moses the plan for the tabernacle, this ‘Tent of Meeting’ became the place where God met with His people. The tent stood in the center of the camp with the various tribes camped around it. Moses would go to the tent of Meeting to speak with God and from there God would instruct His people]

    In Ex 33, the people of Israel foolishly make themselves gods of gold while waiting for Moses to return from Mt Sinai. God was so angry that He told Moses that He was withdrawing His presence from among His people. However He would send them an angel who would escort them to the Promised Land.

    It was a solemn and sobering moment for all Israel. The people were devastated and began to mourn. They knew they were nobody without God’s presence. It was the relationship they had with God that made them great. The secret of their success was their dependence on Him. [You see, WHERE you are going is not as important as WHO is going with you] It would have been so easy. No God to offend, no commandments to keep, no laws to break, no punishment to face. God Himself was guaranteeing them safe passage and success.

    In v15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us; do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” At this God relents and promises to go with them.

    From the beginning, God has desired to live among His people. Not in a casual relationship or like an uninvolved benefactor but a father who loves his children, leads and instructs them, rewards obedience and disciplines the ones who disobey Him.

    God’s Presence was conditional on Israel obeying the laws He gave to them. Exodus 19: 5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine 6you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Their obedience would ensure they stood blameless before God and man. The law would govern every area of their lives, their relationships (with God, spouse, family, neigbour, slave, judge/ruler, enemy and needy) their livelihoods/jobs, their civil obligations, their possessions, their diet and their justice system.

    So the 2nd distinguishing factor of God’s people was the Laws of God.

    2. GOD’S LAWS The laws God gave to Israel were unique; expressive of God’s Holy character. As God’s people, they were subject to the laws that were not binding on any community of people (Leviticus 18:1-5). The laws of Moses were many but Jesus summarized them to simply two. He said the books of the Law and Prophets hung on these two commandments. Matthew 22: 37-39 Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 and the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’

    God promised His Presence to His people who made a covenant with Him to obey Him fully. The first time God made a covenant with Abraham, He commanded Abraham and his household to be circumcised. The rite of circumcision was passed down to all his male descendants and dependents. Circumcision was the outward physical sign of the eternal covenant between God and His people. The Jews still practice it today. There was nothing extraordinary about it. Ancient civilizations also practiced it before Abraham. It was not the act itself that made Israel unique but failure to be circumcised meant certain expulsion from God’s community (Ex 17:14)

    The apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians that circumcision itself had no value unless one observed the law. And the one who observed the law was as good as one who was circumcised.

    The act entailed the permanent cutting away of the flesh. It was to be made carefully and with great deliberation. Metaphorically, it meant the decision to obey God’s Word is a personal one; not to be taken lightly. [Reciting the sinner’s prayer does not automatically include you in the community of God’s people] We also need to note that the Covenant was made first and foremost to God. Not to a set of rules and certainly not to a man or the community. Each male was responsible to make the covenant on behalf of the family he was raising and leading.

    But before long, Israel starts to wander away from God. It began harmlessly enough but carelessness and complacency eventually leads to compromise and corruption. The more they prospered, the less they thought about Him. Pride filled their heart and they became unthankful. Soon they started to worship other gods and pervert the laws God had given them. Instead of justice and mercy, they practiced evil and wickedness in the very land God had given them. The temple King David had built remained standing, the daily sacrifices went on, and the priests continued to minister. But something had changed. Religion had replaced Relationship. Israel thought it was the structure that God was looking to make his dwelling but they were wrong. While the temple – a structure of brick and stone was beautiful to behold, God was not in it. The people continually rebelled against God and His ways and resisted the warnings of the OT prophets. God gave them many opportunities to repent and return to Him but they just hardened their hearts. Ezekiel had a vision in which he saw the Glory of God departing from the temple in Jerusalem. God was withdrawing His presence from His people. The judgment of God fell heavily on the very nation God had chosen to represent Him to the world. The people had wrongly presumed that religion could save them.

    WORD vs. WORKS
    Moses warned the people against finding substitutes for the word of God. Deuteronomy 4:12 ff. He reminded them that it was God’s voice and commands they had heard so watch that you don’t try to make an image of something you did not see (anything) and claim it is god. Don’t be enticed to worship what you create with your own hands. Don’t exchange the Glory of the Immortal God with that which will soon decay. Don’t give up the Eternal God for lesser gods. The worship of the golden calf/ bull idol was especially heinous because that which God had provided as animal sacrifice was set in gold and made the object of worship. The works of our hands must not be worshiped but offered to Him a sacrifice.

    Are we a people of His presence or do we want His blessings more than the relationship He offers? Have we become unthankful and self-sufficient that we have no need for Him? Have we substituted His voice for the philosophy and ideas of man?

    Tuesday, April 28, 2009


    This is a song I used to sing when God first came real to me. I don't know the writer but it established in my heart a single unshakeable truth. I live this life for a Person: not a reason, not a goal or a purpose, not for people and certainly never for myself. The path I took a few years ago, led me down a different road and temporarily obscured this truth. I am so glad to have it found it again.

    It matters so little
    How much you may own,
    The places you've been
    And the people you've known,
    For it all comes to nothing
    When placed at His feet,
    It means nothing to Jesus
    Just memories to keep.

    You can have all the treasures
    From far away lands
    You can have all the wealth,
    You can hold in your hands
    You can have all the pleasures,
    Money can buy
    But what will you have
    When it's your turn to die?

    Only one life
    Soon it will pass
    Only what's done for Christ will last
    Only one chance to do His will
    So give to Jesus all your days
    It's the only life that pays
    When you recall
    You have but one life

    The days pass so swiftly
    The months come and go
    The years melt away
    As new fallen snow
    Spring turns to summer
    Summer to fall
    Autumn brings winter
    And death comes to all

    Tuesday, April 14, 2009


    It was nice to get this text on Easter Sunday.

    He had no servant, but they called Him Master
    No degree, but they called Him Teacher
    No medicines but they called Him Healer
    No army, but kings feared Him.
    He won no military battles, but He conquered the world
    He committed no crime, but they crucified Him
    He was buried in a tomb, but is alive today
    He is humble but will always be exalted

    His name is JESUS.
    HE is our HOPE and GUIDE