Friday, June 04, 2010

No Bride of Frankestein

The Genesis account tells us that unlike all of God’s creations there was no suitable match for Adam, so God put him in a deep sleep, extracted a rib from his side and formed Eve. When God presented Eve to Adam, Adam declared her to be, “Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone”. It would seem that Adam instantly recognised her to be his ideal mate. This enchanting phrase has found its way into many wedding ceremonies and love songs to demonstrate the ideal compatibility of a couple in love.

Jesus, who the bible calls the second Adam, is coming back for an ideal Bride. The bible says the church is his bride. However, when we look at the church today, we ask how that is possible. She is too fragmented and divided, not to mention the umpteen skeletons she has hidden away in her closet. There has been no lack of efforts to unify and solidify the different parts, more so in this century than before. Imagine if we fused all the various groups together into a single composite. What would it look like? The result could only be the ideal bride for Frankenstein. A monster haphazardly held together by bolts, nuts, wire and glue. But the Bride of Christ is not the design of a mad scientist. Our Father in heaven is perfect as His Son is perfect and so the Bride should be too.

Jesus prayed that we would be one even as He and the Father are One. That oneness speaks of more than holding hands in agreement and begging to differ on dodgy subjects. Jesus could boldly say, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. Can we honestly say to the world, if you’ve seen the church, you’ve seen Jesus? Some may say, we are not there yet, still a work in progress. Some may say, we will never be, so just focus on the positive aspect of church. In truth, many books and messages have shifted from showing us how to be holy to how we can be united in purpose and principles. We imply that Jesus’ prayer in John’s gospel is a possibility if we can come together in harmony. In doing so, we hope to come closer to attaining God’s dream church. But each time we try to take a step closer to that dream, it remains elusive and always just beyond our reach.

How then can we achieve perfection given the jarring incompatibilities of Bride and Bridegroom?

I have serious doubts about the institutions we are building and growing in Christ’ name. But there is a church that Jesus Himself is building. One that we are not readily aware of. God is grafting into the person of His Son, individuals who have consecrated their lives to Him. Surrendered their mind and will, died to their dreams and aspirations and awoken to a holy and divine purpose. They have chosen to identify with Jesus, to follow Him all the way in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse. God took Eve out of Adam and in the same way, God is using those who are in His Son to fashion a worthy Bride, a mate who is compatible to Him in every way.

Who is this Bride? What is she like? I believe this is an apt description of the Bride of Christ.

The Bride has eyes only for her bridegroom. She is consumed with knowing him and being known of Him. Nothing and nobody can stand in the way of her devotion to Him. She revels in His presence and waits patiently for Him. She knows His voice and longs to hear Him speak. She meditates on each revelation of His person. She is unafraid of persecution; embracing suffering because it helps her identify with Him more. She doesn’t question His way for she trusts the wisdom and insight of her Lover. She does nothing apart from Him. Wherever He goes, she follows. She loves what He loves. She approves what He approves. She abhors what He abhors. She desires what He desires. There is no middle ground, no give and take, no need for compromise. There is no place for struggle or strive. She simply submits and surrenders to His love till the tiniest blemish dissipates, until she becomes the crystal reflection of His holiness. Her wretchedness, poverty, ignorance and weakness melting away as His Spirit infuses her with his beauty, riches, wisdom and strength from the secret place of their intimacy. Do you recognise the scriptural truth in what I’ve written?

And the two shall become one.

Jesus will look at His perfect Bride and with the same awe that filled Adam, He will say, “She is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones!”

Revelation tells us the letters to the churches in Asia were written to admonish a bride estranged from her true bridegroom. Today she is in the same poor state. She has lost her first love. She is self-reliant. She is deprived. She is wretched. She is deceived. She is indifferent. She is blind. She is lost. And until she wakes up to the truth, how can she know what she’s missing?

You cannot be his bride unless you are truly one with Him. You cannot substitute intimacy with good deeds, charity or hard work. You cannot try to produce that transformation by modifying your behaviour, by tithing your money, by faithful service or by committing to a time, place and programme. That’s like having an outward makeover without an inward change. It’s unnatural and it won’t last. The fruit that Jesus is looking for is birthed out of an open and honest relationship with Him. Remain in Him and He will remain in you. Love Him and obey Him. Nothing else will produce fruit that endures.

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