Friday, November 23, 2007

Changing Garments

Changing Garments
Christine Beadsworth
South Africa
Fresh Oil releases newsletter
Apr 02, 2006

To all God’s precious sons (be they male or female)

I would like to begin by sharing something I saw in the Spirit this morning. Before me stood a person dressed in long liturgical robes, complete with regalia and signs of office. Then I saw this person begin to remove his priestly robes piece by piece. He laid them aside and handed in his resignation from the priestly order. Then he began to put on fresh robes, supplied by an attendant at hand. These were rich garments, giving the impression of royalty. As he stood there in these new yet obviously ancient garments he seemed to question what he was supposed to do next. The answer came, “ walk in them!” Then a scepter was held out to him. He took hold of it and held it high above his head. As he moved it back and forth and extended it in front of him, the scepter changed to a sword and then back to a scepter during the movement of his arm.

As I pondered what I had seen, the Holy Spirit had me begin to personally pray through and complete the actions I had seen the person do. Then He began to unfold the message in what I had witnessed: “There are many born into the Body of Christ who have worn and walked in the robes of the priesthood. They have faithfully attended to their duties, serving in the temple according to their set times and appointed places. They have done this out of love for Me. They have given of their time and substance. Yet they have failed to understand this one thing. They were not born as priests after the order of Aaron. They were born as royal priests after the order of Melchizadek. One is an earthly order; the other a heavenly bloodline. They were born of an ancient and incorruptible Seed; the Living Word. Because of this misunderstanding as to their bloodline, many have subscribed to a system they are not truly a part of. They are not of this world, just as I am not of this world. They have allowed an earthly religious system to ‘name them and claim them’ as its own. They have allowed themselves to be clothed in priestly garments belonging to an earthly order; an order which in fact was brought to a close when the old order of things passed away and the new heavenly order came into being. They have allowed themselves to be relegated and delegated to different corners of the same religious prison. They have served faithfully in their manmade divisions, receiving the approval, decorations and promotions of a works-based system; year after year offering the same sacrifices. But now the time is coming when I will remove the old dry husks of their liturgical robes and reveal the incorruptible Seed planted deep within. They will rightly align themselves with their blood-bought heritage as priests of the ancient Melchizadek order, after the pattern of the First-born from among the de ad. They will put on the royal garments that have been prepared and waiting in heavenly places for this time and begin to walk in a revelation of their identity as part of a royal bloodline of servant-priests. The manifestation of the sons of God will be after this manner, a breaking forth out of a hard dry seed-case of religious mental restriction into the full freedom of indestructible life working within the sons of the Kingdom. Then shall the sword of My Word become a scepter extended over situations, judging righteously and ruling in the earth; declaring, “IT IS WRITTEN …!”

Beloved, we were not grafted into the fig tree of religion but into the olive tree, where the capacity for continually flowing anointing is stored up. As long as we have the mindset that we are of the Aaronic priesthood, we will never function in the kingly anointing in the earth. The Aaronic priesthood was condemned to going through the same rituals year after year without any lasting deliverance or freedom from sin. We were not born into that family, an earthly family. We were born into an inheritance far above that. In this priesthood, there was no opportunity provided to rule in any way; the priests functioned totally within the four walls of the temple system and had to protect themselves from being contaminated by anything unclean. This meant that only those who were born Jews could receive the benefits of the religious system. Jesus came into the world, not to save only those in the four walls of a man-made building but to save the whole world. The tearing of the veil portrayed a removal of any separating wall between God and man. No longer would another human being have to represent our case before the ark of His presence and bring us word from the throne-room. Yet still there exists within the church a mentality of waiting until Sunday to go and ‘receive’ the Word. This mindset is one of the vestiges of an old religious system. We actually have access to the Father at any given moment and the Word dwells within us and furthermore, we have the Holy Spirit Who progressively leads us into all truth.

It is time for us to take another look at our ‘birth certificates’ and find out whose name has been filled in as ‘parent’. There are some who have been claimed by the religious spirit for its own ends, to have our gifts used for the benefit of a religious system which attaches no worth to the slave-labour it employs. Some of us have voluntarily subscribed to belong to this group, even paying yearly subscriptions to ensure our names remain on the roll and that we receive the indoctrination updates designed to keep us enslaved. Praise God for the light that is being released from Heaven at this time to cause us to truly see, to understand the truth of who we really are in Christ and to be set free.

When one belongs to an organization, one’s name is on their database and they have one’s residential and contact details. This is in order for them to be able to supply one with any information they wish to convey to one as a recorded member of that organization. When one wishes to resign and sever membership, it has to be done officially so that one is removed from their database. Beloved, we need to serve notice on the religious spirit that we will no longer be a part of its endeavors; that we refuse to receive any messages it sends out, be they snail-mail or email; that it needs to stamp across any forms in its possession with our names on, ‘TRANSFERRED’ because we have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness (even the darkness of religious enlightenment) into the Kingdom of Light. Our bloodline is now that of the Lamb that was slain and any inheritance passed down to us will come only from Him, not from any earthly bloodline. We must refuse to serve the goals of a religious system any longer, remembering that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but principalities and powers.. We must remove every vestige of religious garment that has been placed upon us by any system of man, fold them up and return them. Don’t forget to remove the signet rings representing any authority delegated by man, for we cannot wear both the Father’s ring and that of the earthly realm of government at the same time. The Melchizadek priesthood rules from a seated position at the right hand of the Father. We need to unravel the turban of tight religious mindsets that have formed strongholds in our understanding and take captive every thought to obedience to Christ alone.

This resignation and de-robing is only the first part of our instruction from the throne-room. Secondly, we need to put on our tailor-made royal robes of the Melchizadek order, including the clean turban of a fresh mindset. Then thirdly, once we have clear revelation of our identity as Royal priests, we need to walk in the good works prepared for us.

This whole procedure sounds relatively simple but will in fact be a process of steadily increasing light; first to reveal to us the filthiness of the robes we have worn and secondly to provide light by which we can don the waiting royal garments.

Zec 3:3 Joshua, standing before the Lord, was dressed in dirty clothes.
Zec 3:4 The Lord spoke to his attendants, "Get him out of those filthy clothes," and then said to Joshua, "Look, I've stripped you of your sin and dressed you up in clean clothes."
Zec 3:5 I spoke up and said, "How about a clean new turban for his head also?" And they did it--put a clean new turban on his head.

When we know this truth, we will be set free to rule in kingly authority. When we understand the power invested behind the scepter, then we will confidently raise the sword of the Living Word and declare it over those in bondage and any area of unrighteousness or injustice. The scepter of the Lord will be extended from Zion (ps 110:2).The scepter is the sword and the sword is the Word. It is by the unchanging Word, settled forever in Heaven, that we rule in the earth.

It is time for that incorruptible seed to burst forth from its casing and push into the light of a new Day!

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